Free Electricity Cover-up

New Energy Sources and Inventions

In the late 1880’s, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting “free electricity” in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming commonplace. Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras.

For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a Utopian future filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing and food for everyone. So what happened? Where did the new energy breakthroughs go? Was this excitement about free electricity all just wishful thinking that science eventually disproved?

Current State of Technology. The answer is no. Spectacular new energy technologies were developed right along with other breakthroughs. Since then, multiple methods for producing vast amounts of energy at extremely low cost have been developed. None of these technologies have made it to the open consumer market, however. Why this is true will be discussed shortly. First, here is a short list of new energy technologies. The common feature connecting all of these discoveries is that they use a small amount of one form of energy to control or release a large amount of
a different kind of energy.

  • Radiant Energy. Nikola Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, T. Henry Moray’s Radiant Energy Device, Edwin Gray’s EMA Motor, and Paul Baumann’s Testatika Machine all run on Radiant Energy. This natural energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community’s misunderstanding of it. The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuelless, self-running devices that tap this energy. [More]
  • Permanent Magnets. Dr. Tom Bearden has two working models of a permanent magnet powered electrical transformer. It uses a 6-watt electrical input to control the path of a magnetic field coming out of a magnet. By channeling the magnetic field, first to one output coil then a second repeatedly and rapidly, the device can produce a 96-watt electrical output with no moving parts. Multiple inventors have working mechanisms that produce torque from permanent magnets alone. [More]
  • Super-Efficient Electrolysis. Water can be broken into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. When water is hit with its own molecular resonant frequency, it collapses into hydrogen and oxygen gas with little electrical input. Hydrogen fuel can drive engines (like in your car) for the cost of water. [More]
  • Cold Fusion. Though initial claims were debunked, cold fusion is very real. Not only has excess heat production been repeatedly documented, but also low energy atomic element transmutation has been catalogued, involving dozens of different reactions. [More]

There are dozens of other systems. Many are viable and well tested. But this short list is sufficient to make the point: new energy technology is here. It offers the world pollution-free energy abundance for everyone, everywhere. It is now possible to stop the production of “greenhouse gases” and shut down the nuclear power plants. Transportation and production costs for just about everything can drop dramatically. Yet all these wonderful benefits that can make life on this planet so much easier and better for everyone have been postponed for decades. Why? Whose purposes are served by this postponement?

Four Invisible Forces. There are four forces that have worked together to create this situation. The wealthiest families and their central banking institutions are the first force. Their motivations are greed and the need to control almost everything except themselves. Their plan is to eventually control all of the resources of the world, and thereby control everyone’s life through the availability of all goods and services. An independent source of wealth (new energy device) in the hands of every person in the world ruins their plans for world domination. They don’t want any competition. The weapons they have used to enforce this include intimidation, “expert” debunkers, buying and shelving of technology, and murder of inventors. They have also promoted the scientific theory that states free energy is impossible (laws of thermodynamics).

The second force is national governments. The problem here is related to the maintenance of national security. There is a constant jockeying for position and influence in world affairs, and the strongest party wins. In economics, it’s the golden rule: “The one with the gold makes the rules.” Unlimited energy on this planet will lead to an inevitable reshuffling of the balance of power. Everybody will want it, and at the same time, want to prevent everyone else from getting it. So, national governments’ motivations are self-preservation. Their weapons include preventing the issuance of patents based on national security grounds, harassment of inventors with criminal charges, tax audits, threats, phone taps, arson, theft, and a host of other intimidations which make the business of building and marketing a new energy machine practically impossible.

The third force consists of deluded inventors and con men. On the periphery of the extraordinary scientific breakthroughs that constitute real new energy technologies, lies a shadow world of unexplained anomalies, marginal inventions and unscrupulous promoters. The first two forces have constantly used the media to promote the worst examples of this group, to distract the public’s attention, and to discredit real breakthroughs by associating them with the frauds. So, the third force is delusion and dishonesty. The motivations are self-aggrandizement, greed, want of power over others, and a false sense of self-importance. The weapons used are lying, cheating, self-delusion and arrogance combined with bad science.

The fourth force operating to postpone the public availability of new energy technology is all of the rest of us. It may be easy to see how narrow and selfish the motivations of the other forces are, but actually, these motivations are still very much alive in each of us as well. Like the wealthiest families, don’t we each secretly harbor illusions of false superiority and want to control others instead of ourselves? Also, wouldn’t you sell out if the price were high enough? Or like the governments, don’t we each want to ensure our own survival? Or like the deluded inventor, don’t we trade a comfortable illusion once in a while for an uncomfortable fact? Or don’t we still fear the unknown, even if it promises a great reward?

All four forces are just different aspects of the same process. There is really only one force preventing the availability of new energy technology, and that is unspiritually motivated behavior. New energy technology is an outward manifestation of divine abundance. It is the engine of the economy of an enlightened society, where people voluntarily behave in a respectful and civil manner toward each other. Unspiritualized humans cannot be trusted with new energy. They will only do what they have always done, which is to take merciless advantage of each other, or kill each other and themselves in the process.

The Opportunity. What is new is that you and I can communicate with each other now better than at anytime in the past. The Internet offers us, the fourth force, an opportunity to overcome the combined efforts of the other forces preventing new energy technology from spreading. What is starting to happen is that inventors are publishing their work, instead of patenting it and keeping it secret. More and more, people are “giving away” information on these technologies in books, videos and websites. While there is still a great deal of useless information about new energy on the Internet, the availability of good information is rising rapidly.

All of us constitute the fourth force. If we stand up and refuse to remain ignorant and action-less, we can change the course of history. Only mass action can create the world we want. The other three forces will not help us put a fuelless power plant in our homes. New energy technology will change everything about the way we live, work and relate to each other. It obsoletes greed and fear for survival. But like all exercises of spiritual faith, we must first manifest generosity and trust in our own lives.

New energy technology is here. It has been here for decades. Communications technology and the Internet have torn the veil of secrecy off of this remarkable fact. People all over the world are starting to build new energy devices. The bankers and governments don’t want this to happen, but can’t stop it. Tremendous economic instabilities and wars will be used to distract people’s attention from the new energy movement. There will be essentially no major media coverage of this aspect of what is going on.

New Energy
What You Can Do

We now have the opportunity to powerfully work together for a better world by spreading the news on the energy cover-up far and wide. As we develop a critical mass of concerned citizens who demand to know the truth, the media will be forced to cover this issue more thoroughly. Then we will begin to see powerful, positive changes in the world.

We invite you to join in spreading this news in several ways. You can copy and paste the new energy cover-up message below to any Internet message boards or discussion groups in which you are involved. To contact your political representatives and the media, click here. To post to Wikipedia, click here. If you have a website, we invite you to set up a link to our concise summary at You can also print our two-page and ten-page new energy summaries directly from the website and share them widely.

Help spread the news on the new energy cover-up around the world by sending emails to your friends and colleagues and inviting them to pass the message on to others. You can copy and paste the message below to your email. Feel free to adapt or modify this message in any way. For other ways that you can help, click here. By taking advantage of the powerful tools of email and the Internet, we are creating a better world.

The Energy Crisis – Little Known Facts Make a Big Difference

In traditional physics, we are taught that according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. In the highly sophisticated world of quantum physics, however, we find that many of the traditional laws of physics no longer apply. For instance, scientists have discovered that there is no such thing as a pure vacuum. Within what was thought to be a pure vacuum, they have found that miniscule subatomic particle-antiparticle pairs frequently appear out of nowhere, only to disappear a very short time later. Even in the near-perfect vacuum of outer space, energy is spontaneously being created and destroyed all the time.

Zero-point energy is the energy that exists in or arises out of zero, out of nothingness, out of the vacuum. The topic of zero point energy is being intensely studied and debated by a number of physicists and other scientists (go to your favorite search engine and type in “zero point energy”). Some top scientists theorize that there is infinite potential for cheap, usable energy within the zero-point field.

In fact, a number of respected scientists claim it is possible to tap this field and to develop devices which output more energy than is input. This process is called over-unity (another good one for your search engine). Many conservative scientists claim this is impossible, while others state that they have already developed devices which successfully demonstrate this principle. They claim to have invented devices that produce more energy than is required to run them!

How can this be? You might think that such inventions would be hailed and trumpeted loudly on the front page of all newspapers. The problem is that if these inventions were released to the public, those in power would suddenly have much less control over energy and our oil-based economy. The power elites of the world realize that a cheap or free energy source in the hands of the general public could change the power dynamics of the entire world.

This is exactly why we find that there is a major cover-up around these devices. Personal inventor friends of ours who have such inventions have experienced some of the consequences of this cover-up. These include intimidation, bribery, the preventing of the issuance of patents based on national security grounds, debunking by “experts,” buying and shelving of technology, arrest, theft of property, and even murder of inventors. We ask your help to spread the word on all this by forwarding this message to those who care.

For more on these eye-opening facts, go to for the two-page summary of the energy cover-up. Or even better, go straight to the information-packed 10-page paper by Dr. Peter Lindemann at To understand why all these facts aren’t getting extensive media coverage, go to If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here.

The entire website is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to incredibly important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together for a better world. You can help create the possibility of a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will create a better world for ourselves and our children.

The team is a group of dedicated researchers from around the world who compile and summarize important, verifiable facts and information being hidden from the public. You can reach us by visiting

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